
Oral Presentation

Characterization and Defect Engineering

[Mo-1B] Quantum Technology I

2019年9月30日(月) 11:30 〜 12:45 Annex Hall 2 (Kyoto International Conference Center)

12:15 〜 12:30

[Mo-1B-03] Physical model of the optical charge state switching of the divacancy in 4H-SiC

*Ivan G Ivanov1, András Csóré2, Björn Magnusson1,5, Takeshi Ohshima3, Adam Gali2,4, Son Nguyen Tien1 (1. Linköping Univ.(Sweden), 2. Budapest Univ. of Technology and Economics(Hungary), 3. National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science Technology(Japan), 4. Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences(Hungary), 5. Norstel AB(Sweden))