The 26th International Display Workshops (IDW '19)


Oral Presentation

[VHF2] Ergonomics for Automotive Applications

Special Topics of Interest on Automotive Displays

2019年11月27日(水) 15:20 〜 16:45 Mid-sized Hall A (1F)

Chair: Yoshie Imai (Mitsubishi Elec.)
Co-Chair: Yukio Endo (AGC)

16:25 〜 16:45

[VHF2-4] The Evaluation for Visibility of a Back Image on a Transparent Display

*Naruki Yamada1, Yoshinori Iguchi1, Yukihiro Tao1 (1. AGC Inc. (Japan))

キーワード:Transparent display, Transparent screen, Visibility, Back image, HUD

Transparent display is useful device for some applications but has a privacy issue that a back image appears on the opposite side to the display image. We investigated the condition human cannot see a back image.