
Presentation information

Parallel Sessions

ISSP / Surface Engineering

[Tue-E2] ISSP / Surface Engineering

Tue. Sep 13, 2022 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Room E (Meeting Room 107+108)

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM

[Tue-E2-2] Using positivity to your advantage – Bipolar HiPIMS discharges and their application for plasma cleaning and coating

*Dermot Patrick Monaghan1, Patrick McCarthy1, Tommaso Sgrilli1, Alex Azzopardi1, Victor Bellido1, Ivan Fernandez2, Jose Antonio Santiago2, Ambiorn Wennberg2 (1. Gencoa Ltd (UK), 2. Nano 4 Energy (Spain))

Keywords:hipims, bipolar pulsed plasma, ion irradiation, rapid surface cleaning and etching, coating ion plasma assistance

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