The 66th Convention of  Japan Association of Home Economics Education

Presentation information




Sun. Jul 2, 2023 11:10 AM - 12:10 PM room A

座長:福田 典子(信州大学)

11:10 AM - 11:30 AM

[2A07] The Development of Competency Theory in the EU since the 1990s and the Education for Empowering Sustainable Living

- Considering the Relationship between these and Home Economics -

〇Noriko Arai1, Rie Imoto2, Noriko Kishi3, Mayuko Suzuki4 (1. 福井大学(元)、2. 女子栄養大学栄養学部、3. 福岡教育大学教育学部、4. 大阪教育大学大学院連合教職実践研究科)

Keywords:Competency theory, PERL, ProfESus. eu, Sustainable living, Home Economics