2019 Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences (JAMS)

Presentation information

Poster presentation

R8: Metamorphic rocks and tectonics

Fri. Sep 20, 2019 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM A-presentation space (East zone 1)

9:30 AM - 5:00 PM

[R8P-14] Deformation characteristics of antigorite serpentinites exposed at Sasaguri area, Fukuoka Prefecture

*Yuki Iwasaki1, Jun-ichi Ando1, Das Kaushik1, Dyuti Prakash Sarkar1, Seiichiro Uehara2, Hiroaki Ohfuji3 (1. Hiroshima Uni. Sci., 2. Kyushu Uni. , 3. Ehime Uni.)

Keywords:Antigorite, Plasticity, microstructure

The purpose of this study is to clarify the deformation characteristics of the antigorite serpentinites from Sasaguri area, Fukuoka Prefecture. The CPO of antigorite is characterized by [010]-concentration parallel to the lineation, and (001)-concentration normal to the foliation. The important phenomena that proceed with deformation are creation of defect-induced undulose extinction, followed by the grain size reduction and creation of CPO.