2021 Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences (JAMS)

Presentation information

Poster presentation

R1: Characterization and description of minerals (Joint Session with The Gemmological Society of Japan)

Fri. Sep 17, 2021 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM ePoster Session

9:30 AM - 6:30 PM

[R1P-09] Matsubaraite, rengeite, törnebohmite-(Ce) and rare minerals in Osayama jadeitite

*Daisuke Nishio-Hamane1, Mitsuo Tanabe (1. ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo)

Keywords:Matsubaraite, Rengeite, törnebohmite-(Ce), Jadeitite, Osayama

We report the occurence of matsubaraite, rengeite, törnebohmite-(Ce) and rare minerals in Osayama jadeitite, Okayama Prefecture, Japan.