


R7:岩石・鉱物・鉱床 (資源地質 学会 との共催 セッション)

2021年9月18日(土) 09:30 〜 12:15 Zoom Session 3

座長:越後 拓也(秋田大学)、秋澤 紀克(東京大学大気海洋研究所)

10:00 〜 10:15

[R7-03] High purity elemental separation technique for LREEs from silicate matrix

*Bidisha Dey1, Tomoyuki Shibata1, Masako Yoshikawa1 (1. Hiroshima Uni. Sci.)

キーワード:REE geochemistry, Nd isotope geochemistry

We have developed an improved method for LREE separation from silicate matrix, for isotopic measurement in TIMS or MC-ICP-MS. We have used dilute HNO3 and NaBrO3 to separate the LREEs from each other. This method has advantage of being faster and more efficient in separating LREEs over the previous methods and, unlike other methods, does not use conc. HNO3 which is difficult to handle. Results show >90% recovery yield for all target elements and accurate and reproducible 143Nd/144Nd ratios for JB-2 in TIMS.