



2021年9月17日(金) 14:00 〜 16:45 Zoom Session 1

座長:中村 佳博(産総研)、遠藤 俊祐(島根大学)

16:00 〜 16:15

[R8-14] Formation of garnet aggregate of the Khungui eclogite in the Zavkhan Terrane, Western Mongolia

*Manzshir Bayarbold1, Atsushi Okomata1, Otgonbayar Dandar1, Masaoki Uno1, Noriyoshi Tsuchiya1 (1. Tohoku University)

キーワード:Garnet aggregation, Fluid infiltration , Ti-mobility, HP metamorphism

Garnet and rutile, providing useful information on P-T condition, fluid history as well as timing of metamorphism, are common minerals in eclogite. Although, behaviour of Ti, Nb, and Ta eclogite facies is well understood, the relationship between mobility of Ti and garnet texture is poorly studied. Therefore, garnet aggregates and Ti-bearing minerals will be discussed the Khungui eclogite in the Zavkhan terrane of western Mongolia.