


S2: 岩石-水相互作用 (スペシャルセッション)

2021年9月16日(木) 09:30 〜 12:45 Zoom Session 3

座長:土屋 範芳(東北大・環境科学)

10:20 〜 10:35

[S2-04] オマーンオフィオライト地殻―マントル遷移帯 におけるアンチゴライト脈形成と流体流動


*吉田 一貴1、岡本 敦1、大柳 良介2、木村 正雄3 (1. 東北大、2. 国士舘大、3. 高エネ研)


Antigorite is an important mineral for the estimation of the pressure/temperature condition during serpentinization. In this study, we investigated completely serpentinized dunite with antigorite veins from the crust-mantle transition zone of the Oman ophiolite. We investigated vein structures, mass transport, and fluid flux during the antigorite vein formation. The results suggest that alkaline fluid moved through the crust-mantle transition zone during the antigorite vein formation.