2024 Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences (JAMS)

Invited speakers

T1: Comprehensive understanding of the crustal evolution and resource exploration in Asia
・Yoshitaka Hosoi(JICA
・Yasushi Watanabe(Akita University)
Jargalan SereenenMongolian University of Science and Technology
・Kazuhiro Yonemura(JOGMEC)

・Mariko Nagashima(Yamaguchi University)

S1: Dynamics of igneous processes
・Naoko Takahashi(University of Tokyo, Geochemical Research Center
・Yuto Sato(JAMSTEC, Kochi Core Center)

S2: Water Rock interaction
・Junji Yamamoto(Kyushu University, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

S3: Rheology and material transfer in mantle and crust
・Hatsuki Yamauchi(Columbia University,
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
・Noriyoshi Tsujino(Japan Synchroton Radiation Research Institute)

R1: Characterization and description of minerals
・Takenori Kato(Nagoya University, ISEE

R2: Crystal structure, crystal chemistry, physical properties of minerals, crystal growth and applied mineralogy
・Akira Yoshiasa(Kumamoto University
・Ryo Yamane(Tohoku University)

R3: High-pressure science and deep Earth’s material
・Itaru Ohira(Gakushuin University, Department of Chemistry
・Izumi Mashino(Okayama University, Institute of Planetary Materials)

R4: Mineral sciences of the Earth surface
・Eiichi Yoshida(Nagoya University Museum
・Michio Suzuki(University of Tokyo,
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry

R5: Extraterrestrial materials
・Sin-iti Sirono(Nagoya University,
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
・Kohei Gukuda(Osaka University,
Department of Earth and Space Sciences

R6: Plutonic rocks, volcanic rocks and subduction factory
・Hikaru Sawada(Toyama University,
Department of Earth System Science
・Sanae Koizumi(University of Tokyo, Earthquake Research Institute

R7: Petrology, Mineralogy, and Economic geology
Dyuti Prakash(JAMSTEC, Kochi Core Center
・Kengo Ito(University of Tokyo, Geochemical Research Center