2024 Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences (JAMS)

Session List


We have 1 symposium, 3 special sessions and 8 regular sessions in JAMS 2024 annual meeting. Session list and outlines are shown below.

T1:Comprehensive understanding of the crustal evolution and resource exploration in Asia [Joint session with The Society of Resource Geology]

Special session
S1:Dynamics of igneous processes
S2:Water Rock Interaction
S3:Rheology and Material Transfer in Mantle and Crust

Regular session
R1: Characterization and description of minerals [Joint session with The Gemmological Society of Japan]
R2: Crystal structure, crystal chemistry, physical properties of minerals, crystal growth and applied mineralogy
R3: High-pressure science and deep Earth’s material
R4: Mineral sciences of the Earth surface
R5: Extraterrestrial materials
R6: Plutonic rocks, volcanic rocks and subduction factory
R7: Petrology, Mineralogy and Economic geology [Joint session with The Society of Resource Geology]
R8: Metamorphic rocks and tectonics

T1: Comprehensive understanding of the crustal evolution and resource exploration in Asia


We would like to discuss resource issues in Asia from the perspective of mineral sciences, geology, and the establishment of international collaboration, particularly concerning critical minerals. (Oral presentation will be limitted to the invited talk)

Convener(s): Masaaki Owada (owada[a]yamaguchi-u.ac.jp), Jargalan Sereenen, Mariko Nagashima, Yasuhito Osanai

S1: Dynamics of igneous processes


There have been a number of remarkable advances in our understanding of igneous processes and magma dynamics, including partial melting of the mantle and primary magma generation, magma differentiation, volcanic eruption, ore formation, contact metamorphism and metasomatism. Most of these studies are based on state-of-the-art Earth materials science, such as high-resolution geochemical analysis and small-scale observation of mantle xenoliths, volcanic and plutonic rocks, volcanic gases, and hot spring waters. The purpose of this special session is to discuss and promote the latest studies related to the dynamics of igneous processes. We welcome multidisciplinary contributions based on field observations, analyses of natural samples, high P/T experiments and theoretical modelling.

Convener(s): Morihisa Hamada (mhamada[a]jamstec.go.jp), Shumpei Yoshimura

S2: Water Rock Interaction


Topic session “Water–Rock Interaction” involves multidisciplinary research for roles of “fluids” to the Earth Processes, related to metamorphic rocks, volcanic rocks, hydrothermal alteration, ore deposit, hydrothermal experiments, and transport phenomena of fluids. Research methods are also multidisciplinary research methods, such as field survey, experiment, numerical calculation and modeling, will be expected. This topic session also includes geological application such as mineralogical study of radioactive decontamination, nuclear waste geological disposal and carbon dioxide capture and storage and geothermal energy.

Convener(s): Noriyoshi Tsuchiya (noriyoshi.tsuchiya.e6[a]tohoku.ac.jp), Tetsuo Kawakami, Masaki Uno

S3: Rheology and Material Transfer in Mantle and Crust


The dynamics in the mantle and crust, which are the driving forces for the active Earth, have made significant progress in recent years through the integration of mineralogical and geophysical approaches. In this session, we welcome various presentations on field observations, rock microstructures, laboratory experiments, and reaction modeling related to rheology and material transfer in the mantle and crust.

Convener(s): Ikuo Katayama (katayama[a]thiroshima-u.ac.jp), Katsuyoshi Michibayashi, Miki Tasaka

R1: Characterization and description of minerals (Joint Session with The Gemmological Society of Japan)


This session focuses on mineral descriptions, characterization, and analytical methods of earth and planetary materials. Descriptions of occurrence, morphology, internal texture, crystal structure, chemistry, fluid inclusion, solid inclusion, crystal imperfections in minerals, studies on gem identification, and studies on development of analytical methods for mineral sciences are welcomed.

Convener(s): Yasuyuki Banno (y-banno[a]aist.go.jp)Masanori KurosawaYuji Kitawaki,Koichi Momma, Yohei Shirose

R2: Crystal structure, crystal chemistry, physical properties of minerals, crystal growth and applied mineralogy


This session covers structural description of natural and synthetic minerals, their growth and dissolution mechanism together with interesting physic-chemical properties. Presentations dealing with advanced analytical techniques for characterizing a variety of mineral structures and their fundamental properties are welcome.

Convener(s)Kazuki Komatsu (kom[a]eqchem.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp)Mariko Nagashima, Fumiya Noritake

R3: High-pressure science and deep Earth’s material


It is significantly important to understand the wide range of mineral sciences in the Earth’s interior, because dynamics in the Earth’s interior must be closely related to not only the evolution of the Earth but also the environment near the Earth’ surface. The aim of this session will be to discuss the full range of physical and chemical properties of minerals on the basis of experimental and computational approaches. Targeted materials are not only minerals but also their analogous, amorphous materials and melt.

Convener(s)Takaaki Kawazoe (kawazoe[a]hiroshima-u.ac.jp)Ryosuke SinmyoTakeshi SakaiMasayuki Nishi, Takayuki Ishii

R4: Mineral sciences of the Earth surface


This session aims to present the latest advances in the mineralogical sciences of the Earth surface. The session will cover physical and chemical characteristics of nanoscale minerals, biomineralization processes at water-mineral interface, inorganic-organic interactions, and others.

Convener(s): Jun Kawano (j-kawano[a]sci.hokudai.ac.jp), Tadashi Yokoyama, Hiroshi Sakuma, Satoko Motai

R5: Extraterrestrial materials


We welcome contributions on mineralogical sciences of extraterrestrial materials such as presolar grains, cosmic dust, meteorites, lunar samples, and return samples.

Convener(s): Megumi Matsumono (m_matsumoto[a]tohoku.ac.jp), Daiki Yamamoto, Toru Matsumoto, Yusuke Seto

R6: Plutonic rocks, volcanic rocks and subduction factory


This session focuses on studies of plutonic and volcanic rocks. We expect lively discussions on magma genesis, magma emplacement and their relationship with tectonics, from the viewpoint of various disciplines such as petrology, mineralogy, geochemistry, dating, and geology. This session also welcomes studies on subduction factory that produces continental crust.

Convener(s): Atsushi Kamei (kamei-a[a]riko.shimane-u.ac.jp), Tasuhiko KawamotoTakashi Yuguchi, Takashi Hoshide

R7: Petrology, Mineralogy and Economic geology (Joint Session with The Society of Resource Geology)


This session accepts a wide range of petrological, mineralogical, economic geological, and geochemical studies that deal with earth and planetary materials. We expect various discussions about constituent materials of the earth.

Convener(s): Norikatsu Akizawa (akizawa[a]aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp)Takuya Echigo

R8: Metamorphic rocks and tectonics


We call for interdisciplinary contributions dealing with crustal and mantle dynamics at the plate convergent boundaries, including approaches from petrology, structural geology, geochronology, fluid inclusion studies, numerical modeling and isotope geochemistry.

Convener(s): Shunsuke Endo (s-endo[a]riko.shimane-u.ac.jp)Fumiko Higashino

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