2024 Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences (JAMS)

Registration Fee and Payment

1. Registation fee
2. Online membership system (SMOOSY)
3. Cancellation policy
  • Registration can be processed via following online system during the registration period (Aug. 8 - Sep. 14).
          Online Registration (English page):  https://jams.confit.atlas.jp/en
  • You can make payments using credit card on the online system or online bank transfer.
  • Onsite registration will also be processed via online system and requires online payment (by credit card on the online or online bank transfer).
  • Payment in cash can not be accepted.
1. Registration fee

Early registration fee
(Until Sep. 6)

Registration fee

JAMS Regular Member
/ cosponsor society member
( SRG* and GSJ**)

JPY 7,500

JPY 8,500

JAMS Student Member
/ cosponsor society member
 ( SRG and GSJ)

JPY 3,500

JPY 4,000

Non-Member (Regular)

JPY 12,000

JPY 13,000

Non-Member (Student)

JPY 6,000

JPY 6,500

*SRG: The Society of Resource Geology
**GSJ: The Gemmological Society of Japan
2. Online membership system (SMOOSY) 

Online membership system (SMOOSY) is now applied. If you prefer to apply for JAMS membership, please proceed via following link before the end of August.

Application for JAMS membership:
Member login:

*Please note that the fiscal year for membership is from 8/1 to 7/31 of the following year.

3. Cancellation policy
If you have to cancel your presentaion due to unavoidable reason, please contact to the Events committee asap.
The registration fee is not refundable once you paid.