



2024年9月12日(木) 10:00 〜 12:00 ES025 (東山キャンパス)

座長:境 毅(愛媛大学)、新名 良介(明治大学)、石井 貴之(岡山大学)、川添 貴章(広島大学)

10:00 〜 10:15

[R3-01] 弾性波速度および放射光X線回折測定と分子動力学シミュレーションによるCaAl2O4ガラスの圧力誘起ポリアモルフィック転移の解明


*大平 格1、河野 義生2,3、Gréaux Steeve3、Drewitt James W E4、Jahn Sandro5、則竹 史哉6、尾原 幸浩7,8、廣井 慧7,8、近藤 望9、Hrubiak Rostislav10、肥後 祐司8、辻野 典秀8、柿澤 翔8、新田 清文8、関澤 央輝8 (1. 学習院大・理、2. 関西学院大・理、3. 愛媛大・GRC、4. ブリストル大・物理、5. ケルン大・IGM、6. 山梨大・総合研究、7. 島根大・材料エネルギー、8. 高輝度光科学研究センター、9. 岡山大・IPM、10. アルゴンヌ国立研究所・HPCAT)


In recent years, there has been increasing emphasis on the fabrication and characterization of non-conventional network glass formers such as CaO–Al2O3, BaO–Al2O3, and BaO–TiO2 in material science [e.g., 1]. Although these systems are different from those of magmas traditionally studied in geoscience field, recent experiments have confirmed the formation of network-modifiers- and Al-rich partial melts at the conditions of the transition zone and the lower mantle [2,3]. Therefore, the high-pressure studies of non-conventional network glass formers, as well as typical network-forming oxide glasses such as SiO2 glass, are also important in understanding the pressure-induced changes of structure and physical properties of the magmas in the deep earth.
In this study, we conducted elastic wave velocity and XRD measurements and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on CaAl2O4 glass. Ultrasonic velocity measurements up to 24 GPa at BL04B1 at SPring-8 reveal abrupt and irreversible increases in the vP and vS at ~8–10 GPa. Total structure factor and pair distribution functions measured by synchrotron XRD at 16-BM-B at APS and BL37XU at SPring-8 show a rapid change in the intermediate range structure, which is likely attributed to a rearrangement of Ca ions over this narrow pressure condition. Structure models obtained from MD simulations reveal that this intermediate range structure is explained by a transition of Ca–O void radius distribution from a bimodal distribution with peaks at ~2.1 Å and ~2.4 Å to a single distribution centered at ~2.1 Å. The abrupt structural changes involving the rapid increase in elastic wave velocity in CaAl2O4 glass are markedly different to the continuous transformations reported in SiO2 glass. The polyamorphic transition observed in this study may be one of the key mechanisms in the densification and the changes in seismic wave velocity of the magma just above the 410 km discontinuity.

[1] A. Masuno, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 91, 091003 (2022).
[2] G. K. Pradhan et al., Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 431, 247 (2015).
[3] A. Nakajima et al. Sci. Rep. 9, 7420 (2019).