[P2-2-12] Effects of aging and inflammation on alveolar bone resorption in ligature-induced experimental periodontitis in mice
Little is known about the effect of aging on alveolar bone resorption associated with periodontitis. Thus, we investigated the effect of aging and inflammation on alveolar bone resorption using the ligature-induced periodontitis model; 78- and 10-week-old mice were used. A young periodontitis, a young healthy, an aged periodontitis, and an aged healthy groups were prepared. CAGE followed by GO analysis showed that inflammation-related genes increased in the periodontitis group, and immune-related genes increased in the aged group. The amount of bone resorption was analyzed by micro-CT. It was significantly increased in the periodontitis group than in the healthy group, and in the aged group than in the young group. There was no interaction between aging and inflammation on alveolar bone resorption. The osteoclast number was also counted. Inflammation affected the number of osteoclasts, but aging did not. There was no interaction between aging and inflammation on the osteoclast number.