the 35th JASID Annual Conference and the 14th JAHSS Annual Conference

Presentation information

Oral presentation

Sustainable Economic Development and Ethical Dilemmas

Sun. Nov 10, 2024 12:45 PM - 2:45 PM F305 (Fujimizaka Campus 305)

Chair: Yasuyuki SAWADA(The University of Tokyo)

Commentators: Yasuyuki SAWADA(The University of Tokyo), Aya YOSHIDA(National Institute for Environmental Studies)

1:15 PM - 1:45 PM

[2E206] Comparative Study of Muslims and Ethnic Minorities from Household Survey in Rural Bngladesh

*Takami ISHIZAKA1 (1. Shizuoka University of Art and Culture)

Keywords:Bangladesh, Rural household survey, Ethnic Minorities

Bangladesh, a Least Developed Country (LDC), is expected to graduate from LDC status in 2026. As one of the Next Eleven countries expected to grow among the emerging economies, Bangladesh continues to show solid economic growth. The poverty situation, the rate of people living below poverty line, is also declining, and the other country's development indexes are improving remarkably. However, looking at the domestic situation, there are disparities between the rich and the poor, and between urban and rural areas. Therefore, this presentation will focus on ethnic minority villages in rural areas that are in particularly severe economic conditions as a remaining challenge. Previous studies have shown that ethnic minorities are at a low level in relation to the national level in indicators related to education and economic conditions. Since there are regional differences in economic development in the country, an all-inclusive survey was conducted in the Northwest region, where economic development is behind, using a questionnaire to compare the economic situation of Muslims and ethnic minorities living in the neighborhood. In this presentation, I will clarify the actual situation of the development of ethnic minorities by comparing the situation of neighboring Muslims, focusing on the level of education, living environment, and property holdings.

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