the 35th JASID Annual Conference and the 14th JAHSS Annual Conference

Plenary Session

Plenary session of the 14th Annual Conference of the Japan Association for Human Security Studies (JAHSS) and the 35th Annual Conference of the Japan Society for International Development (JASID)

International Cooperation and Human Security
in an Era of Uncertainty

Date: 9th November 2024  14:30-16:30
Venue: International Conference Room, JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development (JICA-ORI)
Language: English (Simultaneous Interpretation to Japanese is available)
Method: In person (Max 200 people)
Registration: Required (Please register during the registration process for this year’s conference)
The 2024 annual conference, co-organized by the Japan Society for International Development (JASID) and the Japan Association for Human Security Studies (JAHSS), is the first joint conference in five years. While we mark the 70th anniversary of development assistance, human insecurity is growing everywhere, and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is at stake. Global uncertainty and multiple crises affect our life, livelihood, and dignity, intensifying people’s vulnerability.
In this plenary session, we will discuss how we can achieve a society where no one is left behind and everyone can benefit from development and live with dignity. This will be explored at the intersection of international development, which contributes to peace and prosperity, and human security, which seeks to protect the security of each individual by addressing the factors that hinder sustainable development.
Time table:
14:30-14:35 (5 minutes) Opening remarks:
14:35-15:25 (50 minutes) Keynote Speeches
15:25-15:35 (10 minutes) Break
15:35-16:05 (30 minutes) Pannel Discussions
16:05-16:30 (25 minutes) Q and A
Keynote Speeches:
Akihiko TANAKA (President, JICA):
Title: International Cooperation and Human Security in an Era of Uncertainty
Des GASPER (Professor, Erasmus University Rotterdam):
Title: Analysing the Components, the Possible Distinctiveness, and the Value-Added in Human Security Thinking and Practice
Shoko YAMADA (Professor, Nagoya University / President, JASID)
Yoichi MINE (Executive Director, JICA-ORI / President, JAHSS)
Opening Remarks: Kazuko OGUNI (Professor, Nihon Fukushi University / Deputy President of JASID)
Chair: Ako MUTO (Specially Appointed Research Fellow, JICA-ORI / Co-Chair of the JAHSS/JASID Annual Conference)