



2024年11月10日(日) 15:00 〜 17:00 F305 (富士見坂校舎 305)

座長: 野田 真里(茨城大学)

コメンテーター: 野田 真里(茨城大学), 加藤 丈太郎(武庫川女子大学), 近江 加奈子(国際基督教大学)

16:00 〜 16:30

[2E211] 公立中学校と地方自治体の連携:日本の外国人集住地域の事例より

*土田 千愛1 (1. 東京大学)


The purpose of this paper is to identify the key factors of how a junior high school and a local government in a migrant-populated region build and maintain a partnership in order to deal with a large number of second-generation migrants who lack social capital.
Previous studies on school-community partnerships in support of second-generation migrants have been insufficient in terms of case studies which focus on cooperation in school curriculums. Instead, the majority of research deals with the partnerships with local actors, i.e., volunteer groups, local associations, and NGOs. Moreover, few studies demonstrate how a partnership with a school have been established and maintained.
Therefore, to address this gap in the literature, research was conducted in the form of semi-structured interviews from August 2022 to July 2024 with former/recent principals and teachers of a junior high school, as well as officers of the committee of education, the multicultural promotion department, and the multicultural salon in Yokkaichi city in Japan. Data have been analyzed from the perspective of human security in order to examine which factors would lead different actors to build and maintain a partnership.
In conclusion, the paper found (1) awareness of the problem and how it is shared among different actors, (2) an approach which takes advantage of the strengths of each actor, and (3) its place in the school curriculum.

