
Presentation information


Windresistant design (1)

Wed. Dec 7, 2016 11:25 AM - 12:37 PM AIJ Hall (AIJ)

司会:喜々津 仁密(国土技術政策総合研究所)

11:25 AM - 11:43 AM

[54] Wind Resistance Test of a Photovoltaic System Installed on Metal Roof

○Koji Takamori1, Daisuke Somekawa2, Makoto Okuji1, Yasushi Uematsu3 (1.Okuji Kensan Co., Ltd., 2.Technical Research Institute of Obayashi Corporation, 3.Department of Architecture and Building Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University)

Keywords:Photovoltaic system, Wind resistance test, Metal roof, Assembly test, Air chamber

The local peak wind pressure coefficients for claddings should be determined in consideration of influence of the size or the shape well the position. Recommendations for Loads on Buildings (1993) by Architectural Institute of Japan shows that an average time of 0.5~1sec corresponds to the size of claddings of 1~10m. However, their relationship has not been well studied to date. Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to clarify the relationship between the average time and the area or shape of cladding which wind pressure is acting. The results of LES have led to understanding of the relationship of time-space evaluation of the peak wind pressure coefficients.