JCI Annual Convention in TAKAMATSU

Presentation information

Material & Construction » High-strength concrete (material) / Strength & Mechanical property

High-strength concrete (material) / Strength & Mechanical property Ⅰ

Fri. Jul 11, 2014 9:00 AM - 10:45 AM 第6会場 (第1リハーサル室)

[1238] Study on the effect on spalling of moisture behavior in consideration of dehydration of the cementitious materials subjected to high-temperature condition.

Manabu KANEMATSU1, Masahiro NAKANO1, Masamichi TAMURA2 (1.東京理科大学 2.東京大学)

Keywords:high strength concrete, moisture transfer, mortar, neutron radiogrraphy, spalling, TG-DTA, モルタル, 中性子ラジオグラフィ, 水分挙動, 爆裂, 高強度コンクリート
