JCI Annual Convention in TAKAMATSU

Presentation information

Structural & Design » Seismic retrofit / Earthquake damage

Earthquake damage Ⅱ

Fri. Jul 11, 2014 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM 第8会場 (国際会議場)

[2165] Evaluation on the Failure Mechanism of a Skew Bridge Damaged in Wenchuan Earthquake

Heng GAO1, Kenji KOSA1, Tatsuo SASAKI2, Zhongqi SHI1 (1.九州工業大学 2.大日本コンサルタント)

Keywords:dynamic analysis, failure mechanism, pounding stress, skew bridge

Maweihe Bridge is a skew bridge damaged in Wenchuan earthquake. The superstructure suffered great residual displacement. Abutments and side blocks were damaged due to the pounding. In order to make clear seismic response and failure mechanism of superstructure, dynamic analysis for the superstructure was conducted. The damage of abutment has been evaluated with the pounding stress as the damage degree is strongly related to it. Besides, it is found that velocity before poundings has a positive correlation with the pounding stress.