コンクリート工学年次大会 2015(千葉)


第37回コンクリート工学講演会(A.材料・施工) » 混和材料/高強度コンクリート(材料)/ポリマーコンクリート


2015年7月14日(火) 13:15 〜 15:00 第7会場 (1F 102号室)

[1020] Pozzolanic reaction of fly ash cement paste in the presence of alkali activator

講演者:Phuong Trinh BUI1, 小川由布子2, 半井健一郎2, 河合研至2
(1.Hiroshima University, Civil and Environmental Engineering 2.広島大学大学院工学研究院 社会環境空間部門)

キーワード:alkali activator, Ca(OH)2 content, pore volume, pozzolanic reaction, アルカリ刺激剤, ポゾラン反応, 水酸化カルシウム量, 細孔量

In this study, the effects of types and activation time of alkali activators on pozzolanic reaction of the paste with 0% and 40% replacement of fly ash were investigated by examining the Ca(OH)2 content and the pore volume. The results showed the presence of alkali activator decreased the Ca(OH)2 content, total and 20-330 nm ranged diameter pore volume, whereas it increased the 3-20 nm ranged diameter pore volume of fly ash cement paste. The alkali-injected starting time 1 month after casting was more effective in reducing 20-330 nm ranged diameter pore volume than 3 months after casting.