コンクリート工学年次大会 2015(千葉)


第37回コンクリート工学講演会(A.材料・施工) » 特殊コンクリート/舗装・ダム


2015年7月16日(木) 13:00 〜 15:15 第10会場 (1F 105号室)

[1236] An Effective and Efficient Mixing Method for Controlling Initial Air Content with Stability of Entrained Air in Fresh Mortar of Self-Compacting Concrete

講演者:Sovannsathya RATH1, Anuwat ATTACHAIYAWUTH1, 大内雅博2
(1.Kochi University of Technology, Infrastructure System Engineering 2.高知工科大学Infrastructure System Engineering)

キーワード:entrained air, fresh mortar, mixing method, self-compacting concrete, stability

The purpose of this study is to introduce a mixing method which is efficient in adjusting initial air content with a stable air entrainment and is effective in enhancing self-compactability of a new type self-compacting concrete (airSCC). Four types of mixing method of mortar were tested. A mixing method in which superplasticizer was poured at first then followed by air entraining agent, was effective in assuring the stability of entrained air. With this mixing method, longer mixing time with air entraining agent or shorter mixing time with superplasticizer resulted in higher initial air content.