コンクリート工学年次大会 2015(千葉)


第37回コンクリート工学講演会(B.構造・設計) » 構造解析


2015年7月16日(木) 13:00 〜 15:15 第4会場 (3F 302号室)

[2010] Numerical Collapse Analysis of Tsuyagawa Bridge Damaged by Tohoku Tsunami

講演者:Hamed SALEM1, Suzan MOHSSEN2, 錦織勇人3, 細田暁4
(1.Cairo University, Structural Engineering Department 2.Applied Science International, Structural engineer 3.オリエンタルコンサルタンツstructure 4.横浜国立大学 Faculty of Urban Innovation)

キーワード:progressive collapse, Tohoku tsunami, tsuyagawa bridge, 東日本大震災の津波, 津谷川橋梁, 進行性崩壊

The collapse of Tsyuagawa bridge damaged by Tohoku Tsunami is numerically investigated using the Applied Element Method, due to its advantages of simulating structural progressive collapse. The analysis was proven to simulate the bridge collapse. It showed that the bridge collapsed at a water speed of 6.6 m/sec initiated by flexural failure of its piers. Study of bridge strengthening showed that the collapse water speed could be increased by 22% and 29% compared to Tohoku tsunami if the piers are strengthened by a 100-mm RC jacket and 20-mm thick steel jacket, respectively.