JCI Annual Convention in CHIBA

Presentation information

B.Structural & Design » Seismic performance evaluation / Structural design & Design method / Vibration isolation

Structural design & Design method Ⅱ / Vibration isolation

Thu. Jul 16, 2015 1:00 PM - 3:15 PM Room 3 (2F 301)

[2136] A Study on the seismic response of large-scale three-dimensional analysis and SDOF analysis of RC frame strucute with spread foundation that takes into account the coupling of the ground and structures

Masaya HIRABAYASHI1, Yuka ITO1, Kaoru KOBAYASHI1 (1.東日本旅客鉄道JR東日本研究開発センター)

Keywords:1質点系, coupled analysis, damping ratio, FEM, frequency, ground, SDOF system, strucutre, 地盤, 振動数, 有限要素法, 構造物, 減衰定数, 連成解析
