


A.材料・施工 » 短繊維補強コンクリート(材料)/特殊コンクリート


2019年7月12日(金) 13:00 〜 15:15 第6会場 (104・105会議室)

座長:小澤満津雄(土木), 大谷俊浩(建築)

[1049] Evaluation of tensile behavior of ultra high performance fiber reinforced concrete with uniaxial tension tests

Di QIAO1, 本間大輔2, 小島正朗2 (1.Takenaka Research & Development Institute, 2.竹中工務店)

キーワード:hybrid fiber system、strain capacity、tensile strength、ultra-high-performance concrete、uniaxial tension test

The uniaxial tension tests of steel-steel hybrid reinforced ultra-high-performance concrete were carried out to investigate the effects of micro- and macro-fibers on its tensile properties. A dog-bone shaped specimen geometry with a large cross-section size was designed. Although the imperfect test setup introduced bending effects in part of the tests, resulting in an earlier occurrence of first cracking, the tensile strength and strain capacity were found less affected. The test results showed that replacing part of macro-fibers with the micro-fibers can enhance the tensile strength, yet with a cost of ductility.