


A.材料・施工 » フレッシュコンクリート


2019年7月12日(金) 13:00 〜 15:15 第4会場 (108会議室)

座長:浦野真次(土木), 崎原康平(建築)

[1183] Comparison of SPH and MPS Methods for Numerical Flow Simulations of Fresh Mortar

徐支松, 李柱国, 曹国棟, 蒋飛 (山口大学)

キーワード:Fresh Mortar、L-flow test、Lフロー試験、MPS、SPH、フレッシュモルタル

This paper aims to compare the accuracy of weakly compressive SPH and MPS methods for the flow simulation of fresh cementitious materials, and to clarify their application scope. By comparing the numerical and experimental results of L-flow test of three series of fresh mortars with different fluidity, it was concluded that MPS has higher efficiency and accuracy than SPH. SPH is relatively suitable for fresh mortar with low fluidity, whereas MPS is applicable to any mortar if boundary resistance is certainly considered. The boundary resistance greatly affects the simulation result and accuracy.