[2047] アンボンド・プレキャスト・プレストレストコンクリート十字形架構の柱梁接合部における曲げ終局モーメントの評価法
キーワード:unbond post-tensioning tendon、pcapc construction method、beam-column joint、joint-hinging failure、kinematic model
The ultimate moment at joint-hinging failure was evaluated for an interior beam-column joint in unbonded precast prestressed concrete frames based on the nine DOF kinematic model, originally proposed by Shiohara and Kusuhara and revised by authors. The ultimate joint-hinging moment computed by the proposed method was compared with past test results. Probability of joint-hinging failure of unbonded PCaPC cruciform joints was investigated through a parametric study where sectional-area of unbonded tendons or column longitudinal bars and column axial load varied.
The ultimate moment at joint-hinging failure was evaluated for an interior beam-column joint in unbonded precast prestressed concrete frames based on the nine DOF kinematic model, originally proposed by Shiohara and Kusuhara and revised by authors. The ultimate joint-hinging moment computed by the proposed method was compared with past test results. Probability of joint-hinging failure of unbonded PCaPC cruciform joints was investigated through a parametric study where sectional-area of unbonded tendons or column longitudinal bars and column axial load varied.