JCI Annual Convention in SAPPORO

Presentation information

The 41st JCI Technical Conference

B.Structural & Design » Seismic retrofit / Investigation of existing structure / Maintenance & Life cycle

Seismic retrofit Ⅱ / Investigation of existing structure Ⅰ

Thu. Jul 11, 2019 1:00 PM - 3:15 PM Room 8 (Meeting Room 206)

座長:村田裕志(土木), 菅野秀人(建築)

[2160] Evaluation of Backbone Curve of R/C Column with Long or providing Small holes Wing-Walls Retrofitted by UFC panels

Keisuke KUBO1, Tomohisa MUKAI2, Hidekazu WATANABE2, Taku ISHIOKA3 (1.東京理科大学, 2.建築研究所, 3.戸田建設)

Keywords:R/C Column with wing-walls、UFC Panels、Flexural strength、Stiffness evaluation、袖壁付き柱、UFCパネル、曲げ強度、剛性評価
