JCI Annual Convention in SAPPORO

Presentation information

The 41st JCI Technical Conference

B.Structural & Design » Seismic retrofit / Investigation of existing structure / Maintenance & Life cycle

Investigation of existing structure Ⅱ / Maintenance & Life cycle Ⅰ

Fri. Jul 12, 2019 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM Room 8 (Meeting Room 206)

座長:塩永亮介(土木), 塩屋晋一(建築)

[2231] A Consideration on Observation and Survey Results of Concrete Properties for Conservation for the Maintenance and Management of Tunnel in Cold Region(Hokkaido)

Kazuhide KAMURO1, Atsushi SUTOH2, Takashi SATO3 (1.建設技術研究所, 2.東北工業大学, 3.土木研究所寒地土木研究所)

Keywords:cold area structure
