JCI Annual Convention in NAGOYA

Presentation information

The 43rd JCI Technical Conference

A. Material & Construction » Durability


Wed. Jul 7, 2021 3:30 PM - 5:15 PM Room 3 (Virtual Room)

座長:村上祐貴(土木), 今本啓一(建築)

[1075] Relationship between the cover depth and the rebar corrosion based on survey of actual concrete structures under the salt-damage environment

Ryota HAYASHI1, Hirotaka HAZEHARA2, Masashi SOEDA1 (1.福岡大学 2.福岡大学 )

Keywords:actual structures、chloride ion、covering depth、かぶり、実構造物、鉄筋位置の塩化物イオン濃度、鋼材腐食発生限界塩化物イオン濃度