JCI Annual Convention in NAGOYA

Presentation information

The 43rd JCI Technical Conference

A. Material & Construction » Frost damage / Nondestructive test & Assessment

Frost damage / Nondestructive test & Assessment

Fri. Jul 9, 2021 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Room 4 (Virtual Room)

座長:皆川浩(土木), 西祐宜(建築)

[1093] Study on the index (measurement item) of JIS A 1148 Method of test for resistance of concrete to freezing and thawing.

Madoka TANIGUCHI1, Hidehiko OGATA2 (1.北海道立総合研究機構 2.鳥取大学)

Keywords:test for resistance of concrete to freezing and thawing、 index、 internal deterioration、 relative dynamic modulus of elasticity、 rate of length change、 propagation time of ultrasonic waves、凍結融解抵抗性試験、指標値、内部劣化、相対動弾性係数、長さ増加比、超音波伝搬時間