JCI Annual Convention in NAGOYA

Presentation information

The 43rd JCI Technical Conference

B. Structural & Design » Fatigue & Impact

Fatigue & Impact

Fri. Jul 9, 2021 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Room 6 (Virtual Room)

座長:山本佳士(土木), 津田和明(建築)

[2076] Experimental study on repair effect of reinforced concrete bridge deck using high penetration bonding agent

Takuya MAESHIMA1, Kazuya KABA2, Yasuhiro KODA1, Ichiro IWAKI1 (1.日本大学 2.首都高速道路技術センター)

Keywords:fatigue resistance、high penetration bonding agent、RC bridge deck、repair effect、wheel load trucking test、耐疲労性、補修効果、輪荷重走行試験、道路橋RC床版、高浸透型防水材