JCI Annual Convention in NAGOYA

Presentation information

The 43rd JCI Technical Conference

B. Structural & Design » Fatigue & Impact

Fatigue & Impact

Fri. Jul 9, 2021 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM Room 6 (Virtual Room)

座長:山本佳士(土木), 津田和明(建築)

[2079] Flexural static and impact loading tests of through-type posts embedded into proto-type rockfall protection walls

Atsutoshi OKAMOTO1, Satoshi KONDO2, Masato KOMURO2, Norimitsu KISHI2 (1.勇建設 2.室蘭工業大学)

Keywords:anchoring depth、impact loading、Post for protection fence、rockfall protection wall、根入れ深さ、落石防護擁壁、衝撃荷重、防護柵支柱