


B. 構造・設計 » せん断・ねじり


2023年7月6日(木) 10:45 〜 12:30 第9会場 (410)

座長:斉藤成彦 (土木),田島祐之 (建築)

[2153] RC床版のせん断疲労強度に関する比較検討

KONGWANG Nuttapong1, SATO Yasuhiko1, JIRAWATTANASOMKUL Tidarut2 (1.Waseda University 2.Chulalongkorn University)

キーワード:RC bridge deck slabs、fatigue damage、AASHTO shear design、shear fatigue strength

This comparative investigation aims at evaluating the applicability of the AASHTO shear design provision for shear fatigue strength prediction. Based on the existing equation developed through the past experimental dataset of RC slabs tested under moving wheel-type loading by Takeda, the shear fatigue strength was observed in this study. The results indicate that the AASHTO shear design provision could be used to predict the shear fatigue strength of RC slabs with modification to account for the influence of moisture and support conditions under fatigue loading.