The 43rd Joint Conference on Medical Informatics

Presentation information



Thu. Nov 23, 2023 9:20 AM - 11:20 AM Venue F (EX4-A+B)

Organizer: Eizen Kimura
Chair: Eizen Kimura, Tomohiro Kuroda

[2-F-1-05] Learning from the Scottish Safe Haven that has developed the TRE and adopted the Five Safes Model for secure secondary usage of healthcare data for research - On the usage of pseudonymized healthcare data for medical research under the newly amended Act on Anonymously Processed Medical Information to Contribute to Medical Research and Development -

*Kaori Sasaki1, Eizen Kimura2, Sinsuke Ito3 (1. Sapporo Medical University, 2. Ehime University, 3. Chuo University )

Keywords:Scottish Safe Haven, Trusted Research Environment, Five Safes Model, Data Linkage

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