The 56th Annual Meeting of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering

Presentation information




Mon. Jul 12, 2021 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM 第2 (Zoom)

座長:土屋 光弘(西松建設株式会社土木事業本部土木設計部)

[12-2-2-03] SWS test results using tip load cell and torque sensor in Sangenya Taisho-ku Osaka City

*TANAKA Tanaka TSUYOSHI1, Naoaki Suemasa1, yuji Matsuya2, Akira Fukai2, Masashi Shirahase3, Takuya Fujiwara3, Masanori Uchiyama4, Akihiko Oshima 5 (1. Tokyo City University, 2. SEKISUI HOUSE. LTD, 3. NITTOSEIKO CO., LTD, 4. JAPAN HOME SHIELD CORPORATION, 5. Osaka City University)

Keywords: screw weight sounding test , rod friction, sounding

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