The 56th Annual Meeting of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering

Presentation information


DS-8 地盤材料から溶出する有害物質の地下水汚染リスクを考える


Mon. Jul 12, 2021 1:00 PM - 4:15 PM 第11 (Zoom)

座長:乾 徹(大阪大学)

[DS-8-08] Comparison of pollutant elution behavior in coal fly ash in column percolation test and advection analysis of variance based on liquid-solid ratio batch leaching test

*TAISEI SAKIYAMA1, kenichi sato2, takuro fujikawa2, chikashi koga2, hirofumi sakanakura3 (1. Graduate school Fukuoka University, 2. Fukuoka University, 3. National Institute for Environmental Studies )

Keywords:coal ash, Liquid-solid ratio batch test, advection analysis

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