The 57th Annual Meeting of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering

Presentation information


7. 地盤防災


Wed. Jul 20, 2022 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM 第12会場 (メインホールA(2階))

座長:中嶋 亮太(建設技術研究所)

[20-12-2-04] Fundamental study on relationship between particle shape and angle of repose

*NAOTO NAITOU1, Takumu Omura1, Jun Miyawaki1, Arif Daniel Azmi1, Hitoshi Nakase2, Shintaro Kajiyama3, Yukio Nakata4 (1. Toyohashi University of Technology, 2. Tokyo Electric Power Services Co., Ltd., 3. Yamanashi University, 4. Yamaguchi University)

Keywords:particle shape, Angle of repose, raggedness

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