The 57th Annual Meeting of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering

Presentation information


6. 地盤と構造物 (動的問題を含む)


Wed. Jul 20, 2022 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM 第7会場 (中会議室302A(3階))

座長:渡邊 祥庸(鹿島建設)

[20-7-1-06] Investigation of Seismic Retrofitting Method for Old Residential Retaining Wall Part 2: Research Outline

*NAMIHIKO INOUE1, SHUICHI TAKEYA1, NAOKO TSUCHIYA1, KAZUOMI ABE1, HISATOSHI KASHIWA4, SHINGO SATO2, MASATAKE TSUDA3 (1. National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, 2. Fukken Gijyutsu Consultants, 3. Nippon Koei, 4. Osaka University)

Keywords:Residential Retaining Wall, Seismic Retrofitting, National Resilience

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