The 57th Annual Meeting of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering

Presentation information


3. 地盤材料


Fri. Jul 22, 2022 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM 第3会場 (小会議室306・307(3階))

座長:荒牧 憲隆(香川高等専門学校)

[22-3-2-04] Possibility of “Earth Silica” Mixed with Surfactant-Type Liquid Thickener on a Backfilling Material in Pile Extraction Holes

*EISUKE Aizawa AIZAWA1, RYO HASHIMOTO1, MASAHIRO OKABAYASHI1, YOJI HONNTANI2, MASANORI SEKI2, ATSUYA YOSHIMOTO3, SHUICHI KUWAHARA4, SHINYA INAZUMI5 (1. Doboku Chishitsu Co., Ltd., 2. Sanshin Corporation, 3. Amangu. Co., Ltd., 4. Marushin Co. Ltd., 5. Shibaura Institute of Technology)

Keywords:backfilling material for pile extraction holes, Earth Silica, hexavalent chromium elution

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