日本金属学会 2020年春期(第166回)講演大会

Presentation information

General Session

4.Mechanical Properties » Mechanical Properties of Materials and Sturucture

[G] Mechanical Properties of Materials and Sturucture

Thu. Mar 19, 2020 9:00 AM - 3:45 PM Rm. A (W321,2nd Flr., West Bldg.3)

座長:安田弘行(阪大)、高田 尚記(名古屋大学)、三浦 誠司(北海道大学)、金野泰幸(大阪府立大学)

1:45 PM - 2:00 PM

[45] High-Pressure Torsion of SiO2 Quartz: Phase Transformation and Optical Properties

*WANG Qing1, Edalati Kaveh1, Fujita Ikuro1, Watanabe Motonori1, Horita Zenji2 (1. Kyushu Univ., 2. Kyushu Inst. of Technology)

Keywords:High pressure torsion、SiO2 quartz、SiO2 coesite、Oxygen vacancy、Photocatalysis

In this study, HPT method was employed on SiO2 quartz for stabilizing the high pressure coesite phase and introducing oxygen vacancies to enhance the optical properties and photocatalytic activity.

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