日本金属学会 2020年春期(第166回)講演大会

Presentation information

JIM-ISIJ Joint Session

[J] JIM-ISIJ Joint Session:Fundamentals to Control Ultrafine Grained Microstructures

Wed. Mar 18, 2020 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM ISIJ Rm.No.13 (H101, 1st. Flr., Honkan)


11:30 AM - 11:50 AM

[J26] Fatigue Properties of Notched Austenitic Stainless with Harmonic Structure

*MATSUMOTO Shuji1, KIKUCHI Shoichi2, NAKAI Yoshikazu3, KAWABATA Mie4, AMEYAMA Kei4 (1. Graduate School of Kobe Univ, 2. Shizuoka Univ, 3. Kobe Univ, 4. Ritsumeikan Univ)

Keywords:Fatigue、Fracture mechanics、Stainless steel、Grain refinement、Powder metallurgy、Axial force


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