
Presentation information


[S6] S6.Multi-scale analysis of elementary processes in plasticity (V)(2)

Thu. Sep 22, 2022 1:00 PM - 4:20 PM Rm. C (D22,2Flr. Build.D)

座長:下川 智嗣(金沢大学)、君塚 肇(名古屋大学)

1:40 PM - 2:05 PM

[S6.14] In situ TEM observation of the interaction between screw dislocations and prismatic dislocation loops in BCC iron

*Takahito INOUE1, Yutaka SUGIMOTO2, Naomi HIRAYAMA3, Syohei UEKI3, Kazuto ARAKAWA3 (1. Shimane Univ.(graduate student), 2. National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology (QST), 3. Next Generation Tatara Co. Creation Center (NEXTA) Shimane Univ.)


原子炉・核融合炉金属構造材料の分野において、材料の照射下硬化・脆化挙動の予測のために、透過電子顕微鏡 (TEM) 内引張変形その場観察によって、転位と転位ループ間相互作用を実験的に明らかにした。

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