
Presentation information


[J] JIM-ISIJ Joint Session:Titan and Its Alloys

Thu. Sep 22, 2022 1:00 PM - 5:40 PM ISIJ Rm.No.11 (A21,2rd Flr.,Build.No.A)

座長:御手洗 容子(東京大学)、松本 洋明(香川大学)、松永 哲也(宇宙航空研究開発機構)

1:20 PM - 1:40 PM

[J2] Study of lattice-variations due to aging using HREM-methods

*Eiichi SUKEDAI1, Elisabeth GAUTIER2, Moukarne DELMAS3, Eishi TANABE4 (1. Okayama Univ. of Sci., 2. Univ. de Lorraine, France, 3. Univ. de Toulouse, France, 4. Hiroshima Pref. Tech. Res. Insti.)

Keywords:β-Ti 合金、連続昇温加、X 線回折図形、高分解能電子顕微鏡法、格子像

Study of lattice-variations due to aging using HREM-methods

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