
Presentation information


[S1] S1.Materials Science and Technology in High-Entropy Alloys (VIII)(2)

Thu. Sep 22, 2022 1:00 PM - 5:50 PM Rm. M (D37,3Flr. Build.D)

座長:加藤 秀実(東北大学)、久保 百司(東北大学)、佐藤 裕之(弘前大学)

1:40 PM - 1:55 PM

[S1.29] Microstructure and segregation of HfMoNbTaTi refractory high-entropy alloy fabricated by electron beam powder bed fusion (PBF-EB)

*Cheng YANG1, Kenta AOYAGI1, Kenta YAMANAKA1, Yusaku HASEBE2, Takehito HAGISAWA2, Akihiko CHIBA1 (1. IMR, 2. JSW)

Keywords:Refractory high-entropy alloy、HfMoNbTaTi、electron beam powder bed fusion、segregation、gas atomized powder

HfMoNbTaTi RHEA was fabricated by electron beam powder bed fusion using the gas atomized powders, and the microstructure, as well as segregation behaviour, were investigated.

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