
Presentation information


3.Microstructure » Microstructure

[P] P115~P131

Wed. Sep 18, 2024 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM Poster Session Room1 (Assembly Hall at Osaka Univ. Hall)

2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

[P116] Effect of Added element on Bainitic Transformation Rate and its Maximum Transformation
in Fe-C-1.5(wt%)Si-X(X:Ni,Mn) alloys

*Yuujin KOMATSUBARA1, Tyng Chou Jyh2, Manabu Takahashi3, Masatoshi Mitsuhara3 (1. National lnstitute of Technology, Kurume Collage, 2. National lnstitute of Technology, Kurume Collage, 3. Kyushu University)


Fe-C-1.5(wt%)Si-X(X: Ni,Mn)合金の添加元素の種類や量を変えて425℃における等温保持実験を行い、それによって生じるベイナイト変態の変態挙動を熱膨張曲線およびSEM-EBSD観察で調査した。

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