
Presentation information


10. Energy and Related Materials » Hydrogen and Battery Related Materials

[G] Hydrogen and Battery Related Materials(2)

Fri. Sep 20, 2024 9:10 AM - 12:30 PM Room C (A102 1st floor Building A Center for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences)

座長:土屋 文(名城大学)、石井 暁大(東北大学)、松島 永佳(北海道大学)

11:30 AM - 11:45 AM

[108] Effect in for Li+ Ion Conduction of Hydrogen Absorbed in LixCoO2 Positive Electrode at Charge and Discharge Conditions

*Bun TSUCHIYA1, Ryosuke TERASAWA1, Keisuke KATAOKA1, Hisao YAMASHIGE2, Katsumi TAKAHIRO3, Shunya YAMAMOTO4 (1. Meijo Univ., 2. TOYOTA, 3. Kyoto Inst. Tech., 4. QST)



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