


6.材料プロセシング » 固相プロセス 固相・溶接プロセス

[G] 実装・はんだ・ろう付け・接着

2024年9月20日(金) 09:00 〜 11:45 P会場 (全学教育推進機構講義A棟3階A302)

座長:荘司 郁夫(群馬大学)、小林 竜也(群馬大学)

09:45 〜 10:00

[386] Thermal aging dependent nanoscale porous of pressured sinter silver determining heat transfer and strength properties for power electronics

*Ha-Young Yu1, YehRi Kim1, SeungYeon Han1, Min-Su Kim1, Dongjin Kim1 (1. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology)

キーワード:porous silver、sintering、mechanical property、thermal conductivity、aging

Silver (Ag) sintering is used as a die-bonding technology for the next generation of power electronic modules. In this study, time-dependent effects of sintered Ag under pressure were researched.

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