The 61st Annual Meeting of the Japan Oil Chemists' Society

Session information

Select Lectures

3)Science on lipids, fats and oils, nutrition, health function and foods

Selete Lectures <Session 2>

Sat. Sep 9, 2023 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM 104 (Education and Resaerch Building 1F)

Chair:Kiyotaka Nakagawa(1日目x), Chikako Kiyose, Toshiharu Nagai

 <講演者>     <担当座長>
宇山氏(㈱資生堂) 仲川清隆(東北大)
加藤氏(東北大学) 清瀬千佳子(神奈川工大)
桐明氏(秋田大学) 永井利治(東京工科大)

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM

*Makoto Uyama1, Shinya Okabe2, Takumi Kurashima1, Rie Kurinobu1, Miwa Takechi1, Ryo Yoshiba1, Rina Miyoshi1, Seigi Noda1, Mio Kaneko1, Yuka Ikemoto3, Atsushi Takahara4, Yuji Higaki5, Tetsuya Hama6 (1. Shiseido Co., Ltd., 2. Shiseido Professional Inc. , 3. Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute/SPring-8 , 4. Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University, 5. Faculty of Science and Technology, Oita University , 6. The University of Tokyo)



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