The 61st Annual Meeting of the Japan Oil Chemists' Society

Presentation information

Award Lectures

A. Interfacial Science

JOCS Industrial Technology Advanced Award Lecture

Sat. Sep 9, 2023 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM 104 (Education and Resaerch Building 1F)

Chair:Tomomichi Okano

11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

[AW04] サンスクリーン剤紫外線防御能の既存のin vitro 性能評価法の問題点の解明ならびにそれを克服する新規評価法の開発

*Kouichi Asakura1, Akihiro Kuroda2, Miyuki Fujishiro3, Akikazu Yahagi4 (1. Department of Applied Chemistry, Keio University, 2. X, 3. xx, 4. xxx)

Keywords:サンスクリーン剤、紫外線防御能、in vitro性能評価


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